Itinerant Support Service

The Itinerant Support Service (ISS) serves students with hearing loss (who are Singaporean citizens or Permanent Residents) in mainstream schools. To achieve better integration of students with hearing loss into schools and the community, we work with their families, schools and the community.

We empower families with the appropriate skills and knowledge to nurture their children with hearing loss, so that they will gain confidence, independence and are better integrated into society. We also strive to increase awareness and acceptance of the public on the capabilities and potential of individuals with hearing loss. In addition, ISS organizes other activities such as WOW! Camp, talks, workshops and other school holiday programmes.

The move towards full home-based learning comes with additional difficulties for our children with hearing loss. As such, we have put together some tips to help your child better access to online learning. You may wish to share this with your child’s teachers and other parents of children with hearing loss, to ensure that in this trying time, our children with hearing loss get the accessibility they require too.

Should there be anything ISS could help with, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Take care and stay healthy!

Click here for more tips.


Families will be empowered to develop their children with hearing loss towards greater confidence, independent and a life of true value to integrate into society.


To work in partnership with families, schools and community for the well-being of children with hearing loss.


– To facilitate effective integration of students with hearing loss into schools and the community

– To empower families with the appropriate skills and knowledge to nurture their children with hearing loss

– To work in partnership with schools and other external agencies to bring out the highest level of achievement from students with hearing loss.

– To increase awareness and acceptance of the public on the capabilities and potentials of individuals with hearing loss.

Admission Criteria 

1. Singapore Citizen or PR*
2. Medically diagnosed with hearing loss condition.
3. Currently attending any learning institute

*PRs without 1 Immediate Family Member (IFM) who is a Singaporean Citizen (SC) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Social Work

Our social workers and case managers provide services such as information and referral, case management, counselling, financial assistance and also make school visits.

Learning Support

Students receive one-to-one learning intervention. Our ISS – Learning Support Educators work with students to enhance their language, mathematical and cognitive skills.

Speech Therapy

Students receive one-to-one learning intervention. Our Speech and Language Therapists work with students to improve and enhance their listening and articulation skills.