The Community Services department is where Deaf, Hard-of-hearing and DeafBlind clients and their families turn to for assistance in various areas. Our team of trained staff includes Social Workers, Case Managers, and Social Work Associates as well as Executives. We provide the following services free of charge to all SADeaf Clients. All Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents (PR) certified to have hearing loss can register themselves as our clients. Please refer to ‘Join us as a SADeaf Client’ to find out more.
We provide information to clients and refer them to appropriate community resources and agencies where necessary.
We support Deaf, Hard-of-hearing and DeafBlind individuals across all ages who are facing financial, personal and family-related issues as well as psychosocial and emotional issues. All information are kept confidential between the case manager and the client.
Clients can approach us to help with applications for national financial assistance schemes such as Assistive Technology Fund (ATF) and Seniors’ Mobility and Enabling Fund (SMF).
We provide Employment Support services to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community, which entails job matching and assistance on the job.
SADeaf Employment Support’s objective is to sustain long-term employment for people with hearing loss in the open market. We aim to provide custodian care support to both our clients and our Deaf Friendly Employers (DFEs).
We publicise the current job opportunities that our DFEs provide on our official social media pages, and you can access our Facebook page at this link:
If you are interested in being a Deaf Friendly Employer (DFE), or require assistance in your employment as a person with hearing loss, you can contact us at cs_enquiry@sadeaf.org.sg.
We organise and conduct various educational, recreational, and social activities in the form of outings, workshops and talks for our clients.
The Deafblind Programme serves the purpose of improving the resources provided to the Deafblind community, and increasing awareness about them. You can read more about the Deafblind Programme here.
We actively work with various Social Service Agencies, hospitals, disability-friendly companies and government agencies to better support the community.