Donation Methods

Be a Donor

We provide a variety of ways for you to be able to support our activities in support of the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing and Deafblind Community. Just take a look below!

(All donations enjoy a tax-deductible rate of 2.5 times the amount donated.)

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Please Note:


  1. In support of green efforts to save the environment, SADeaf will not be issuing receipts for donations below $10, unless upon request. 
  2. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing
  3. Regardless of your donation amount, SADeaf will submit your tax deduction to IRAS as long as you provide your NRIC/FIN. 
  4. SADeaf may use your personal information for donation-related and communication purpose. 

For IPC info:

SADeaf is registered with the Registry of Societies (252/55 WEL) and Commissioner of Charities (00057), has a Unique Entity Number for Societies (S62SS0061C) and is an approved Institution of Public Character (PC 000444, renewed from 1 July 2024 to 31 January 2027).

For Enquiries:

For an enquiries on donations, feel free to contact us.

GIRO Donations

Select your Bank below, and fill out the form:

If you wish to give regularly, please download the relevant form:

a) DBS
d) Standard Chartered
e) UOB
f) Maybank
g) Business Reply Envelope

Please post the completed the form to:
Attn: Corporate Affairs
The Singapore Association for the Deaf
227 Mountbatten Road, Singapore 397998

SADeaf will then submit the form on your behalf.
(Please note that a one-time bank administration charge may apply.)

Bank Transfer

Account Holder Name: The Singapore Association for the Deaf

Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd

Bank Account No: 004-001593-2

Branch Name: Parkway Parade

Bank Code: 7171

Branch Code: 004  

Remittance Contact Person: Cheryl Tan & Danny Ng

Remittance Email:

Cheque Donations

Fill out the form

Donation Form  

Afterwards, mail together with a cheque payable to “The Singapore Association for the Deaf” (no cash cheques allowed), to this address:

Attn: Community Partnership

The Singapore Association for the Deaf

227 Mountbatten Road, Singapore 397998

(Please note that a one-time bank administration charge may apply.)


Scan this QR code with your iBanking App, or PayNow to our UEN number S62SS0061C

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Please email your address if you would like to have an official receipt

Please indicate NRIC in the Reference Field, to be eligible for Tax Exemption.