The Singapore Association For the Deaf is dedicated to strengthening our governance practice for greater transparency and accountability to the public. To ensure good governance, SADeaf makes annual submissions via the Governance Evaluation Checklist through the online Charity Portal ( The Code sets out principles and best practices in key areas of governance and management that charities are encouraged to adopt.
Governance Evaluation Checklist (Enhanced Tier)
S/N |
Code guideline |
ID |
Response |
Board Governance |
1 |
and orientation are provided to incoming governing board members upon
joining the Board. |
1.1.2 |
Complied |
Are there
governing board members holding staff1 appointments? (skip items 2
and 3 if “No”) |
No |
2 |
Staff does not chair the Board and does not comprise more than
one third of the Board. |
1.1.3 |
3 |
There are written job descriptions
for the staff’s executive functions and operational duties, which are
distinct from the staff’s Board role. |
1.1.5 |
4 |
The Treasurer of the charity (or
any person holding an equivalent position in the charity, e.g. Finance
Committee Chairman or a governing board member responsible for overseeing the
finances of the charity) can only
serve a maximum of 4 consecutive years. |
1.1.7 |
Complied |
5 |
All governing board members must
submit themselves for re-nomination
and re-appointment, at least once every 3 years. |
1.1.8 |
Complied |
6 |
The Board conducts self-evaluation to assess its
performance and effectiveness once during its term or every 3 years,
whichever is shorter. |
1.1.12 |
Complied |
Is there
any governing board member who has served for more than 10 consecutive years?
(skip item 7 if “No”) |
Yes |
7 |
The charity discloses in its annual
report the reasons for retaining the
governing board member who has served for more than 10 consecutive years. |
1.1.13 |
Complied |
8 |
There are documented terms of reference for the Board and each of its
committees. |
1.2.1 |
Complied |
Conflict of Interest |
9 |
There are documented procedures for
governing board members and staff to declare actual or potential conflicts of interest to the Board
at the earliest opportunity. |
2.1 |
Complied |
10 |
Governing board members do not vote or participate in
decision making on matters where they have a conflict of interest. |
2.4 |
Complied |
Strategic Planning |
11 |
The Board periodically reviews and approves the strategic plan for the
charity to ensure that the charity’s activities are in line with the
charity’s objectives. |
3.2.2 |
Complied |
Human Resource and Volunteer2
Management |
12 |
The Board approves documented human resource policies
for staff. |
5.1 |
Complied |
13 |
There is a documented Code of Conduct for governing board members, staff
and volunteers (where applicable) which is approved by the Board. |
5.3 |
Complied |
14 |
There are processes for regular
supervision, appraisal and professional development of staff. |
5.5 |
Complied |
Are there
volunteers serving in the charity? (skip item 15 if “No”) |
Yes |
15 |
There are volunteer management policies in place for volunteers. |
5.7 |
Complied |
Management and Internal Controls |
16 |
There is a documented policy to
seek the Board’s approval for any loans, donations, grants or financial
assistance provided by the charity which are not part of the charity’s core
charitable programmes. |
6.1.1 |
Complied |
17 |
The Board ensures that internal controls for financial matters in
key areas are in place with documented
procedures. |
6.1.2 |
Complied |
18 |
The Board ensures that reviews on
the charity’s internal controls, processes, key programmes
and events are regularly conducted. |
6.1.3 |
Complied |
19 |
The Board ensures that there is a
process to identify, and regularly
monitor and review the charity’s key risks. |
6.1.4 |
Complied |
20 |
The Board approves an annual budget for the charity’s
plans and regularly monitors the charity’s expenditure. |
6.2.1 |
Complied |
Does the
charity invest its reserves (e.g. in fixed deposits)? (skip item 21 if “No”) |
Yes |
21 |
The charity has a documented investment policy
approved by the Board. |
6.4.3 |
Complied |
Fundraising Practices |
Did the
charity receive cash donations (solicited or unsolicited) during the
financial year? (skip item 22 if “No”) |
Yes |
22 |
All collections received (solicited
or unsolicited) are properly
accounted for and promptly
deposited by the charity. |
7.2.2 |
Complied |
Did the
charity receive donations in kind during the financial year? (skip item 23 if
“No”) |
No |
23 |
All donations in kind received are properly recorded and accounted for by the charity. |
7.2.3 |
Disclosure and Transparency |
24 |
The charity discloses in its annual
report — |
8.2 |
Complied |
governing board members remunerated for their services to the Board? (skip
items 25 and 26 if “No”) |
No |
25 |
No governing board member is involved in setting his own
remuneration. |
2.2 |
26 |
The charity discloses the exact remuneration and benefits
received by each governing board member in its annual report. |
8.3 |
Does the
charity employ paid staff? (skip items 27, 28 and 29 if “No”) |
Yes |
27 |
No staff is involved in setting his
own remuneration. |
2.2 |
Complied |
28 |
The charity discloses in its annual
report — |
8.4 |
Complied |
29 |
The charity discloses the number of
paid staff who satisfies all of the following criteria: |
8.5 |
Complied |
Public Image |
30 |
The charity has a documented communication policy on
the release of information about the charity and its activities across all
media platforms. |
9.2 |
Complied |
1 Staff: Paid or unpaid individual who
is involved in the day to day operations of the charity, e.g. an Executive
Director or administrative personnel.
2 Volunteer: A person who willingly serves the charity without
expectation of any remuneration.
3 Close member of the family: A family member belonging to the
Executive Head or a governing board member of a charity —
(a) who may be expected to influence
the Executive Head’s or governing board member’s (as the case may be) dealings
with the charity; or
(b) who may be influenced by the
Executive Head or governing board member (as the case may be) in the family
member’s dealings with the charity.
A close member of the family may include the following:
(a) the child or spouse of the
Executive Head or governing board member;
(b) the stepchild of the Executive
Head or governing board member;
(c) the dependant
of the Executive Head or governing board member.
(d) the dependant of the Executive Head’s or governing board
member’s spouse.
4 Executive Head: The most senior staff member in charge of the
charity’s staff.
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