My child has hearing loss. What’s next?

When you know your child has hearing loss
Parents usually have many worries and questions when they learn their child has hearing loss. You may wonder how this happened, why it happened, and how it will affect their life. Will my child be able to hear? Will my child have friends? Can my child attend mainstream school in time to come?

The answer to the above questions is a loud and clear ‘yes’. Your child will babble, respond, laugh, explore and do things like any other child. And your child just needs a little more care, encouragement and attention. Most importantly, your child will be able to learn language and to communicate and express themselves – through sign language, or speech, or both!

What should I do? Where can I get help and advice?
You are encouraged to register your child as a client of the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) to access our services. There are various services and programmes already in place for you and your child, as well as organisations and schools to cater to the needs of children with hearing loss. We will be happy to share more, just reach out to us!

What are my child’s possible educational paths?
Depending on the medical diagnosis and advice, your child will be recommended to enrol in a suitable early intervention programme or school. For a personal consultation and to find out more on this topic, you can email

Deployment of specialised staff to MOE schools
Find out more about how SADeaf supports students with hearing loss in designated mainstream MOE schools Mayflower Primary and Beatty Secondary.

Itinerant Support Service (ISS)
ISS support students with hearing loss in mainstream schools and promote integration by equipping students, families and schools with strategies and advocacy skills to cope with hearing loss through its 3 core services: case management and counselling; learning support; speech and language therapy. Find out more here.

Community Services (CS)
CS serves Deaf and Hard-of-hearing clients and their families in various areas such as counselling, financial assistance and employment support. Find out more about being a client via this link or sign up as a client of SADeaf here.

Hearing Care Centre (HCC)
Our HCC provides a full spectrum of hearing care-related services such as hearing tests and consultations, as well as purchases of hearing aids, batteries and ear moulds at discounted rates. Check out the HCC.